Why Free Spyware Removal Tools Are Offered | Keep PC Safe

Rabu, 02 Februari 2011

Why Free Spyware Removal Tools Are Offered

Most people in society today are under the impression that there is nothing in life in that is free.

They believe that everything has a price. That no matter what the deal is, a free something

comes with some kind of payment. In some ways, this is not far from the truth.

Why is this? It is because the products available today are offered with little or no financial

costs. No payments or cash up front. Yet, there is a catch. They do require something from

people in return for the free software. Remember, that life has purpose and even nothing has a

purpose. Should a company offer up free software removal tools, there must be something they

have in mind to be doing this.

Why would a company offer removal software for free?

- Promotional purposes - Companies will entice customers with free items for a way to boost

their profit. Companies think that by offering the free removal tools to the public, it will

accomplish two things:

A. Promote spyware tools - Companies use a common tactic called beta testing. They will

release a new piece of software commercially in order to promote it by releasing a free version

of it. Those who enjoy the product are liable to purchase the full version once it has been


B. Promotes another product - Some companies will entice people to buy their products as

they include the spyware removal software as a freebie. Doing this, can and does attract

customers to the company. A manufacturer's intention is for the customers to see the virtues in

the product. When enough people are enticed to sit up and take notice, the company could then

start to charge for it.

- Education purposes - the spyware removal tools are distributed as the purpose to increase a

person's knowledge. Whose knowledge? It can be either the manufacturer's or the user's

increase in knowledge. How can their knowledge be different?

A. Manufacturer - they release the tools to find out more about the people who would use

them. They want to learn more about the kinds of things people look for in a great spyware

removal tool. Sometimes, these companies will offer the software in exchange for an user

evaluation. By letting the user test it free, manufacturers can always find kinks in the software.

B. Users - By sampling a free spyware removal tools, users can learn many things too. By

using the free software, the user can learn just how much spyware was able to get into their

computer. Through this, they can learn the importance of the protection by using the free

spyware removal software. This will also allow them to be educated in the various ways hackers

scam into their computer by installing spyware in their system.

- Spyware Introduction - Some spyware moderators will disguise their software as a software

"removal" tool but when people download this "program", they are indeed downloading a

spyware program that can do harm and not good. Hackers prey on these people who want to

get rid of spyware by making them have more spyware. People become an unwilling victim of

these hackers.

People should understand and hopefully this article will teach the reality behind the costs of free

spyware removal. Is there anything in life that is free? Maybe, maybe not. But maybe

understanding what the companies are offering in the beginning will persuade people to be

more aware about getting something for free.

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